Our Autumn Sale is here! Please read the instructions on ordering Autumn Sale plants below:
- This is a first order, first serve sale, so some quantities may not be available depending on when you place an order.
- Plants need to be ordered through our email: earthrevivalcanada@gmail.com, do not order through the website.
- Orders need to be $20 minimum
- Orders will need to be paid in cash, and have no tax added. We will let you know the quantity of plants and how much is owed upon gathering and finalizing the order.
- Pick up time will be arranged by email once your order is ready.
$1.00 plants: these plants have great roots, but have been cut back as they have gone to seed
- Boneset
50% off plants: $2.50
Foxglove Beardtongue
Virgins Bower
Mountain Mint
Great St. Johns Wort
White Snakeroot
Arrow-leaved Aster (3 left)
Helens Flower
Ohio Goldenrod (3 left)
40% off plants: $3.00
Thimbleweed (low quantity)
Marsh Marigold
Hairy Beardtongue
Long headed Coneflower
Lead Plant
Prairie Alumroot
Showy Goldenrod
Smooth Aster (1 left)
Switch Grass
Canada Wild Rye (2 left)
Big Bluestem
30% off plants: $3.50
Golden Ragwort
Tall Meadowrue
Wild Petunia
Compass Plant
Missouri Ironweed
Culvers Root
White Goldenrod
Wild Bergamot
Dense Blazing Star (low quantity)
Purple Prairie Clover
Rose Milkweed
Heart-leaved aster
Wood Sedge
Side Oats Grama
Little Bluestem
EMAIL your order to: earthrevivalcanada@gmail.com
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